Rutger Verstegen (2020) coached by Bastian Pfleging
When vehicles become automated, communication that used to be with the driver will need to be replaced. Complex traffic situations need to be communicated in all directions, and towards specific people. This complex interface needs to be simple and understandable for everybody. Introducing OUTERFACE: A 360-degree rooftop interface to communicate to let automated vehicles communicate to the outside. Once you are seen, the car will look at you using an eye displayed on the bottom screen and will give you a wink. At any moment you may require confirmation that you a still being seen, which you can do by just giving a nod. Using the top screen, the car shows the direction it goes and whether it will stop or start moving. OUTERFACE is the interface of the future, communicating scalable, naturally and trustworthy and in all directions.

Project resulted in the publication:
Verstegen, R., Dey, D., & Pfleging, B. (2021). CommDisk: A holistic 360 eHMI concept to facilitate scalable, unambiguous interactions between automated vehicles and other road users. In 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (pp. 132-136). https://doi.org/10.1145/3473682.3480280.