
Currently involved

Dr. Pavlo Bazilinskyy
Squad leader and coach
Dr. ir. Mendel Broekhuijsen
Prof. dr. Marieke Martens
Aloysia Prakoso
Squad assistant
Nischal Lingam
PhD candidate and expert
Ruolin Gao
PhD candidate and expert
Haoyu Dong
PhD candidate and expert
Mervyn Franssen
PhD candidate and expert
Shadab Alam
PhD candidate and expert
Rutger Verstegen
PhD candidate and expert

Previously involved

Dr. ir. Debargha Dey
Isabel Kuipers
Squad assistant
Alicia Poels
Squad assistant
Tadhg McCarthy
Squad assistant
David Frenkel
Squad assistant

Collaboration and contact

Are you interested in collaborating with us for one of our future projects, have a question or just want to say ‘hi’? You may write to the squad leader Mendel Broekhuijsen.